
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I’m no stranger to death. I’ve lost my mother, three of my grandparents, great uncles and aunts, second and third cousins, family friends and acquaintances, people that I was close to and just knew of, people who were saved and who didn’t know Christ. If I counted them all I’d estimate that I have been to over thirty funerals in my life, compared to most people my age that’s a lot. Very rarely am I shaken by the news of someone I know or knew having passed. In a weird way it’s just a part of my life and one I’ve grown used to. But every now and then I hear of someone I knew passing and it hits a little closer to home than usual.

This week that happened. Devin Spence, someone I had known a few years ago from church passed away this Monday he was 24. Devin along with his best friend Steve started coming to my church and small group a few years back. He was a great guy, full of life and his relationship with the Lord was just starting. That’s always something exciting to see. New believers always seem to have this burning desire to know everything there is to know about Christ and its infectious really. For someone like me who has been in the church their entire lives it wakes you up again to the mystery of Christ.

The reason this news came as more of a shock to me than normal is Devin as far as I can remember is one of the youngest people I have known to pass, and being close to my age makes it even harder. Parents aren’t supposed to bury their children, and 24 year olds aren’t supposed to bury their best friends. But death is a part of life and no one is promised tomorrow. The only thing that can give you true peace at a time like this is to know that those who believe in Christ as their Savior are in His presence praising Him.

If I had to go through the loss of my mother knowing that she wasn’t saved at the time of her death, I don’t know how I would have handled it. It’s only, knowing that I will one day see her again that gives me peace and that I will one day see her again in heaven with Christ that gives me joy. Joy at the passing of your parent may sound a bit morbid to you. I assure you it was not what I was feeling at the time. There was a sense of relief for her and that she was no longer in pain, but happiness was not one of the emotions I was feeling. Even coming to a place where I joyfully await mine and my mother’s reunion in heaven can only come from a relationship with Christ.

I used to have hard time understanding why the pastor was sharing the gospel at a funeral service, but like my father would say “that’s the perfect time to do it”. The gospel is what brings us hope, hope in this life and hope for the next. It’s Christ’s death and his resurrection that saves us. It’s only when you believe that the son of God came to this earth to shed his blood on a cross to die and to rise from the grave that can give you life! He did for you and me because He loves us! He loves us more then we can ever fathom. And there is great healing power in that love.

"Father God I lift up Devin’s family and his friends to you. I pray that they would know the peace that comes from knowing Christ as Lord and Savior. I ask that you God would give them comfort during this time and I pray that your love would wrap around them and that they would know the hope and joy in knowing that Devin is in your presence praising you. In Christ Jesus’ name Amen".

Come, Lord Jesus!
